Component identification 79
Item Description Status
12 Optional redundant
system fan 2
Amber = Redundant fan has failed
Off = Redundant fan is functioning
13 System fan 1 Amber = Fan is not installed or has failed
Off = Rear fan is functioning
14 Online spare
Amber = Online spare memory is in use due to
memory failover
Off = Normal operation
15 Memory mode Green = System is in online spare memory
Off = Normal operation
System LEDs and internal health LED combinations
When the internal health LED on the front panel illuminates either amber or red, the server is experiencing
a health event. Combinations of illuminated system LEDs and the internal health LED indicate system
The front panel health LEDs indicate only the current hardware status. In some situations, HP SIM may
report server status differently than the health LEDs because the software tracks more system attributes.
System LED and
Internal health
LED color
Processor failure,
socket X (amber)
Red One or more of the following conditions may exist:
• Processor in socket X has failed.
• Processor in socket X failed over to the second
• Processor X is not installed in the socket.
• Processor X is not supported.
• Processor heatsink is not attached properly.
Amber Processor in socket X is in a pre-failure condition.
Processor failure, both
sockets (amber)
Red Processor types are mismatched.
PPM failure (amber) Red
• PPM has failed.
• PPM is not installed, but the corresponding processor
is installed.
FBDIMM failure, slot
X (amber)
• FBDIMM in slot X has failed.
• FBDIMM in slot X is an unsupported type, and no
valid memory exists in another bank.
• FBDIMM in slot X has reached single-bit correctable
error threshold.
• FBDIMM in slot X is in a pre-failure condition.
• FBDIMM in slot X is an unsupported type, but valid
memory exists in another bank.