
hp ProLiant ML570
Generation 2 (G2)
DA-11421 World Wide Version 2 November 19, 2002 19
Tape Automation (continued) StorageWorks ESL9000 Enterprise System Library (continued)
ESL9595S2 SDLT160 based enterprise library with up to 16 drives and 400, 500, 595 slots
ESL9595S2 400 slot 2 DRV SDLT 160/320 293411-B22
ESL9595S2 400 slot 16 DRV SDLT 160/320
ESL9595S2 500 slot 2 DRV SDLT 160/320
ESL9595S2 500 slot 16 DRV SDLT 160/320
ESL9595S2 595 slot 2 DRV SDLT 160/320
ESL9595S2 595 slot 16 DRV SDLT 160/320
Note: Please see the StorageWorks ESL9595S2 Enterprise Library QuickSpecs for additional information
including Tape Drives, Cartridges, Controllers, and SCSI Cables and additional options needed for a
complete solution at:
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/11436_na/11436_na.HTML (North America)
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/11436_div/11436_div.HTML (World Wide)
ESL9595SL SDLT110 based enterprise library with up to 16 drives and 400, 500, 595 slots
ESL9595SL 400 slots, 2 DRV SDLT110/220 274672-
ESL9595SL 400 slots, 16 DRV SDLT110/220 274672-B28
ESL9595SL 500 slots, 2 DRV SDLT110/220 281627-B22
ESL9595SL 500 slots, 16 DRV SDLT110/220 281627-B28
ESL9595SL 595 slots, 2 DRV SDLT110/220 281628-B22
ESL9595SL 595 slots, 16 DRV SDLT110/220 281628-B28
Note: Please see the StorageWorks ESL9595SL Enterprise Library QuickSpecs for additional information
including Tape Drives, Cartridges, Controllers, and SCSI Cables and additional options needed for a
complete solution at:
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/11332_na/11332_na.HTML (North America)
http://www5.compaq.com/products/quickspecs/11332_div/11332_div.HTML (World Wide)
ESL9595: Common Options
ESL9595SL 400 to 500 slot upgrade 274674-B21
ESL9595SL 500 to 595 slot upgrade 274674-B22
ESL9595SL 400 to 595 slot upgrade 274674-B23
Add-on drives and Accessories
ESL9000 LVD SDLT 160/320 Drive upgrade (ESL9595S2 and ESL9322S2 only) 293414-B21
ESL9000 LTO1 drive upgrade (ESL9322L1 and ESL9595L1 only) 301930-B21
ESL9000 Universal Load Port (support both LTO & SDLT cartridges) Not removable 302254-B21
ESL9000 Pass-thru kit (graphite) * (multi-unit scalability on above libraries not available
at launch)
ESL9326SL SDLT110 based enterprise library with up to 16 drives and 326 slots
ESL9326SL Enterprise Library LVD 0 Drives 234488-B21
ESL9326SL Enterprise Library LVD 6 110/220 SDLT Drives 234615-B21
ESL9326SL Enterprise Library LVD 8 110/220 SDLT Drives 234615-B22
ESL9326SL Enterprise Library LVD 16 110/220 SDLT Drives 234615-B26
ESL9326DX 40/80GB DLT based HVD enterprise library with up to 16 drives and 326 slots
ESL9326DX, 0 Drive Unit 146205-B21
ESL9326DX Enterprise Library 6 40/80 Drive 161265-B23
ESL9326DX Enterprise Library 8 40/80 Drive 161265-B24
ESL9326DX Enterprise Library 10 40/80 Drive 161265-B25
ESL9326DX Enterprise Library 12 40/80 Drive 161265-B26
ESL9326DX Enterprise Library 14 40/80 Drive 161265-B27
ESL9326DX Enterprise Library 16 40/80 Drive 161265-B28