Figure 52 Time and Region Page
Change Passwords
NOTE: All passwords for the setupusr and 3parcust usernames must be between 7 and 32
characters in length and consist of alphanumeric characters and the following special characters:
period (.), plus (+), dash (-), equal (=), and forward slash (/).
• Enter a new, secure password for the username setupusr.
You will use this username and password to access the Storage System Setup wizard and set
up your storage system.
• Enter a new, secure password for the username for SPOCC (3parcust).
• Record the password and store away in a safe location. Click Next.
For more information on assigning these passwords, see your completed Storage System Software
Installation checklist.
NOTE: To reset a password for the SP, log into SPOCC. If you lose all your SP passwords and
are unable to log into SPOCC, you must re-image the SP.
Launching the HP 3PAR Service Processor Setup Wizard 61