
Table 2 HP-UX 11i Releases
Supported Processor ArchitectureRelease NameRelease Identifier
Intel® Itanium®
HP-UX 11i v1.5B.11.20
Intel ItaniumHP-UX 11i v1.6B.11.22
Intel ItaniumHP-UX 11i v2B.11.23
Intel ItaniumHP-UX 11i v3B.11.31
Related Documents
You can find other information on HP server hardware management and diagnostic support
tools in the following publications.
HP Technical Documentation Website
Windows Operating System Information
Find information about administration of the Microsoft Windows operating system at the
following website:
Diagnostics and Event Monitoring: Hardware Support Tools
Complete information about HP hardware support tools, including online and offline diagnostics
and event monitoring tools, is on the HP website at:
Website for HP Technical Support
Books About HP-UX Published by Prentice Hall
You can find the entire Prentice Hall Professional Series on HP at:
Contacting HP
Before You Contact HP
Be sure to have the following information available before you contact HP:
Technical support registration number (if applicable)
Product serial number
Product model name and number
Product identification number
Applicable error message
Add-on boards or hardware
Third-party hardware or software
Operating system type and revision level
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