NOTE A note highlights useful information such as restrictions, recommendations, or important
details about HP product features.
TIP Tips provide you with helpful hints for completing a task. A tip is not used to give essential
information, but can be used, for example, to provide an alternate method for completing the
task that precedes it.
Book Title The title of a book. On the web and on the Instant Information CD, it can be a hot link to the
book itself.
KeyCap The name of a keyboard key or graphical interface item (such as buttons, tabs, and menu
Return and Enter both refer to the same key.
Emphasis Text that is emphasized.
Bold Text that is strongly emphasized.
Bold The defined use of an important word or phrase.
ComputerOut Text displayed by the computer.
UserInput Commands and other text that you type.
Command A command name or qualified command phrase.
Option An available option.
Screen Output Example of computer screen output.
[] The contents are optional in formats and command descriptions. If the contents are a list
separated by |, you must select one of the items.
{} The contents are required in formats and command descriptions. If the contents are a list
separated by |, you must select one of the items.
... The preceding element can be repeated an arbitrary number of times.
| Separates items in a list of choices.
HP-UX Release Name and Release Identifier
Each HP-UX 11i release has an associated release name and release identifier. The uname (1) command with
the -r option returns the release identifier.
Table 2 shows the releases available for HP-UX 11i operating system.
Table 2 HP-UX 11i Releases
Release Identifier Release Name Supported Processor Architecture
B.11.20 HP-UX 11i v1.5 PA-RISC
B.11.22 HP-UX 11i v1.6 PA-RISC
B.11.23 HP-UX 11i v2 PA-RISC, Intel® , Itanium
B.11.31 HP-UX 11i v3 PA-RISC, Intel, Itanium