
HP Integrity rx5670 Power
HP Integrity rx5670 PowerHP Integrity rx5670 Power
HP Integrity rx5670 Power
The HP Integrity rx5670 provides a high level of integrated power protection:
N+1 redundant hotswap power supplies
N+1 redundant AC power input protection with electrical phase isolation
Power monitoring and control
The HP Integrity rx5670 supports up to three hotswap power supplies for N+1 protection. Two supplies are shipped as
standard and are required for correct system operation. The hotswap design allows for the online replacement of a power
supply when N+1=3 supplies are configured in the server.
The HP Integrity rx5670 provides an independent power input receptacle for each power supply. The independent design
provides protection against losing the connection from a power cord or breaker. The HP Integrity rx5670 power cords should
always be plugged into separate breakers when possible.
The chart below displays the AC power needs of the HP Integrity rx5670 at various configurations. These power figures are
based on actual measurements under typical server workloads, and are appropriate for power budgeting at customer
installations. Theoretically, a maximum configuration can draw up to 2,089 Watts AC. Power consumption at the
theoretical maximum is unlikely in typical server applications.
HP Integrity rx5670 AC Power Requirements at Various Configurations
HP Integrity rx5670 AC Power Requirements at Various ConfigurationsHP Integrity rx5670 AC Power Requirements at Various Configurations
HP Integrity rx5670 AC Power Requirements at Various Configurations
I/O Cards
I/O CardsI/O Cards
I/O Cards
Volt Amps
Volt AmpsVolt Amps
Volt Amps
Watts, AC
Watts, ACWatts, AC
Watts, AC
Amps @ 115V
Amps @ 115VAmps @ 115V
Amps @ 115V Amps @ 230V
Amps @ 230VAmps @ 230V
Amps @ 230V
1 4 2 510 500 4.4 2.2
1 16 6 595 583 5.2 2.6
1 32 10 690 676 6.0 3.0
2 4 2 575 563 5.0 2.5
2 16 6 673 660 5.9 2.9
2 32 10 784 768 6.8 3.4
4 4 2 707 693 6.2 3.1
4 16 6 803 787 70. 3.5
4 32 10 914 896 8.0 4.0
4 48 10 971 952 8.5 4.2
HP Integrity rx5670 Server
HP Integrity rx5670 ServerHP Integrity rx5670 Server
HP Integrity rx5670 Server
DA - 11719 Worldwide — Version 6 — July 2, 2004
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