Installing the Series 8200zl Switch
Installation Procedures
Installing the Series 8200zl
Figure 2-10. Switch Fault, Module, and Chassis LEDs
When the switch is powered on, it performs its diagnostic self test. The entire
download, initialization, and self test process can take up to 2 minutes for a
fully loaded chassis, depending on the number and type of modules installed
in the switch.
LED Behavior:
During the self test:
■ Initially, Power, Fault, Locator, and all the switch chassis LEDs are on. Then,
after approximately 30 seconds, all the module LEDs go on as the modules
receive power and code is downloaded to them, the Fault LED goes off,
and the chassis LEDs turn orange and then go off except Test, Fan, and
Power, which turn green.
■ When the download of code to the modules is completed, the module
LEDs go off. You may see each port LED go on briefly, in sequence, as the
port is tested.
■ For the duration of the self test, the Test LED stays on.
When the test completes successfully:
■ The Power LED stays on, and the Status LEDs on the switch chassis stay
on for the devices installed: one for each switch module installed, one for
each power supply installed, and one for all the fans.
■ The Fault, Locator, and Test LEDs are off.
Switch Fault LED
Switch Module LEDs:
Link and Mode LEDs
for each port
Switch Chassis LEDs