Infrastructure requirements for implementing Call Home to HP Services
To implement Call Home to HP Services, the following infrastructure requirements must be met:
• Internet access to the Central Management Server running RSC, or a server running ISEE. (Required
because notification messages are sent by RSC or ISEE to HP over the Internet.)
• OSEM can run on the same server as RSC or ISEE or on a server that has LAN access to the server
running RSC or ISEE.
• The server running OSEM must have LAN access to the SN6000 Fibre Channel Switches to receive
SNMP traps from the switches.
• If a fire wall is installed, the following ports must be open:
• Port 162, which receives SNMP traps from the switches, because OSEM uses Microsoft SNMP
• Port 2069, to communicate with web browsers seeking remote access to OSEM
Configuring Call Home to HP services
To configure Call Home to HP services:
1. Make sure SIM and RSC, or ISEE are installed on a server that has Internet access. For software,
installation instructions, and other documentation for SIM, RSP, and ISEE Standard Configuration, see
the HP websites listed in ”Installation instructions and documentation for SIM, RSP, OSEM, and ISEE”
on page 47.
2. Make sure OSEM is installed on a server that has Ethernet access to the server running SIM and RSC or
ISEE, and to the SN6000 Fibre Channel Switches.
NOTE: OSEM can also be installed on the server that is used to run ISEE or SIM and RSC.
3. To enable a switch to Call Home to HP Services, configure an SNMP trap in the switch using
QuickTools or the CLI, as described in the following procedures:
To configure an SNMP trap using QuickTools:
a. Enter the IP address of the switch into the web browser of a server that has LAN access to the
switch, and login to the switch.
b. To open the SNMP Properties dialog box: In the fabric tree, click the switch graphic for the switch
you are configuring to open its faceplate display, and then select Switch > SNMP Properties.
c. In the SNMP Properties dialog, select the tab for a trap that is not currently in use.
d. In the display for the selected trap, select the Trap Enabled checkbox to enable the trap.
e. In the Trap Version field, select the trap version V1.
f. In the Trap Severity field, select Critical.
g. In the Trap Address field, enter the IP address of the server running OSEM.
h. In the Trap Port field, enter the trap port number used by OSEM (the OSEM default trap port is 162).
i. In the Trap Community field, enter the trap community name. The name can be up to 32 characters
and must agree with the community name used in the OSEM application. The following characters
may not be used in the user-defined fields: pound sign (#), semi-colon (;), and comma (,).
j. Click OK to enable the changes.
For more information about QuickTools, see the HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch
QuickTools Switch Management User Guide.
To configure an SNMP trap using the CLI:
a. Telnet to the IP address of the switch from a server that has LAN access to the switch, and login to
the switch.
b. To modify the SNMP configuration, open an admin session and enter the
set setup snmp trap CLI command. This will display the current configuration of SNMP trap
parameters, followed by queries to allow changes to these parameters. Enter changes as needed to
the trap enabled state, IP address, port number, severity, version, and community name.