Appendix C
Powering the System On and Off
Turning On Housekeeping Power
Turning On Housekeeping Power
Use the following procedure to turn on housekeeping power to the system:
Step 1. Verify that the ac voltage at the input source is within specifications for each cabinet being
Step 2. Ensure that:
• The ac breakers are in the OFF position.
• The cabinet power switch at the front of the cabinet is in the OFF position.
• The ac breakers and cabinet switches on the I/O expansion cabinet (if one is present) are in the
OFF position.
Step 3. If the complex has an IOX cabinet, power on this cabinet first.
IMPORTANT The 48 V switch on the front panel must be off at this time.
Step 4. Turn on the ac breakers on the PDCAs at the back of the each cabinet.
In a large complex, power on cabinets in one of the two following orders:
• 9, 8, 1, 0
• 8, 9, 0, 1
On the front and back panels, the HKP and the Present LEDs should illuminate (Figure C-13).
On cabinet 0, the HKP and the Present LEDs illuminate, but only the HKP LED illuminates on
cabinet 1 (the right cabinet).