
IPv4 Access Control Lists (ACLs)
whether there is a match between a packet and the ACE. In an extended
ACE, this is the first of two IPv4 addresses used by the ACE to determine
whether there is a match between a packet and the ACE. See also “DA”.
seq-#: The term used in ACL syntax statements to represent the sequence
number variable used to insert an ACE within an existing list. The range
allowed for sequence numbers is 1 - 2147483647.
Standard ACL: This type of access control list uses the layer-3 IP criteria of
source IPv4 address to determine whether there is a match with an IPv4
packet. Except for RADIUS-assigned ACLs, standard ACLs require an
alphanumeric name or an identification number (ID) in the range of 1- 99.
See also identifier on page 9-11.
Static Port ACL: An ACL statically configured on a specific port, group of
ports, or trunk. A static port ACL filters all incoming IPv4 traffic on the
port, regardless of whether it is switched or routed.
Wildcard: The part of a mask that indicates the bits in a packet’s IPv4
addressing that do not need to match the corresponding bits specified in
an ACL. See also ACL Mask on page 9-11.