7. Disconnect the cable that the cross-subsystem path B uses, and connect the cable that the
cross-subsystem path D uses.
8. Cancel the configuration of the cross-subsystem path B, and add the cross-subsystem path D.
9. Click Apply to apply the settings of the cross-subsystem paths B and D.
10. Make sure the status of the cross-subsystem path D is Normal.
Checking the External Volume Details
You can check the details on the mapped external volume using the LDEV Information dialog box,
and the details on the mapping path using the Mapping Path Information dialog box.
To check the external volume details:
1. Start Remote Web Console, and open the Volume Operation window.
2. Click the path group in the Volume Operation tree.
3. Right-click the external volume that you want to check in the Volume Operation list.
4. Select one of the following commands in the pop-up menu.
• LDEV information: Displays the LDEV Information dialog box (see “LDEV Information
Dialog Box” (page 85)).
• Mapping Path Information: Displays the Mapping Path Information dialog box (see
“Mapping Path Information Dialog Box” (page 86)).
5. Verify the details in the displayed dialog box.
6. Click Close to close the displayed dialog box and return to the Volume Operation window.
LDEV Information Dialog Box
The LDEV Information dialog box shows the information on the LDEVs created in the external
volumes. Each row displays one LDEV information.
Figure 35 LDEV Information Dialog Box
The LDEV Information dialog box consists of:
• List
LDKC:CU:LDEV: The LDKC:CU:LDEV number of the LDEVs created in the external volume.◦
◦ Emulation Type: The emulation type of the external volume set when it was mapped.
◦ Capacity: Capacity of the external volume. When the emulation type of the mapped
external volume is for the open system, the capacity is shown in Blocks. When the
Checking the External Volume Details 85