order 108
with costs 80
accounting data by E-mail 80
acoustic specifications 159
alerts 149
banding problems 118
output problems 117
battery change 99
black and white 49
blurred lines 133
buzzer on/off 20
color 60
change printing properties 37
clean the platen 125
clean the printer 93
clipped at bottom 129
clipped image 129
calibration 60
color management options 65
color management process 59
color management scenarios 67
color profiling 61
colors inaccurate 128
communication problems 146
components of printer 4
configure 21
connect the printer
choose a method 10
Mac OS direct 15
Mac OS network 12
Windows direct 11
Windows network 10
contrast in front panel 21
core adaptors 24
cost accounting 80
create paper preset 36
create paper preset
(advanced) 37
crop lines 51
Customer Care 153
on/off 40
problems 117
cutter, replace 93
delete paper preset 35
disk erase, secure 99
documentation 2
draft printing 47
Driver features
QuarkXPress 148
drying time
change 40
ecological specifications 158
economize on ink 52
economize on paper 51
Embedded Web Server
access 19
cannot access 147
ink and paper usage 79
language 20
printer usage statistics 79
environmental specifications 159
erase hard disk securely 99
error messages, front panel 150
features of printer 4
file system check 148
firmware update 98
front panel
contrast 21
language 19
units 21
front panel option
adjust paper advance 119
align printheads 143
allow EWS 147
calibrate color 60
calibrate paper advance 119
clean printheads 139
enable buzzer 20
enable color calibration 60
enable crop lines 51
enable cutter 40
ink cartridge information 82
internal prints 8
load roll 28
load sheet 32
modify configuration 21
move paper 39
print diagnostic image 133
printer utility software 147
printhead information 86
replace ink cartridges 83
replace printheads 86
reprint last job 49
reset cutter life counter 93
reset paper advance 119
rotate 50
select display contrast 21
select drying time 40
select I/O timeout 129
select language 19
select paper type 114
select units 21
sleep mode wait time 20
unload paper 29, 34
view configuration 12
view connectivity
information 147
view loaded paper 34
view printer information 155
functional specifications 157
162 Index ENWW