The projector connected to an access point by a LAN cable
SSID : WirelessAccessPoint (example)
Encryption: WEP64bit (example)
Encryption key *2:
2) The setting on the projector.
Enter the following information.
1) The setting on the access point.
Enter the following information.
3.4 Passcode connection (continued)
3. Using the Live Mode
3) Click [Connect].
4) The wireless connection will be established.
Proceed to the item 3.6 Conrm the connection to your destination. (50)
*1 Contact the network administrator to nd out the setting on the access point.
*2 If you use an encryption, you need to set it. Contact the network administrator
to check the encryption key that is set in the projector.
The encryption key is always shown as “
*3 To nd the network setting on the projector, refer to the NOTE. (40)
*4 If you use Subnet mask except Class A/B/C, please set it.
Subnet mask *4: