
Scenes over limit• The number of scertesentered inplay listhasreached thelimit ihat
Cannoi add scene• ¢_n be entered. 128, `130
Delete s_'eral scenes.
Scenes over limit• The numberof eniered scenes has reached lhe Iirnilthat cart be
Cannoi divide scerte. 8niered. 117, `128
Delete s_'eral scenes.
Scenes over limit• This message willappear if you try lo mmo,e a scene when the 114, 128
Cannoi move scene, numberof scenes has already reached lhe regisiradl8 limit.
Stopp_T_cessing The bullonwas pressed iostopp_cessing of mullipl8 scenes. --
Therewas no _8ne This rnessage willappear ify_u Iry lo deletem_dtipl8scenes on Disc
which can be deleled. Navigalion when allthe selecied scertes have beert I_l_d. 111, `11g
Release ihe lockon scenes berore execuling deletion•
This ca_d¢_nnoibe The card c_[nnotbe used inthis DVD videocamereJrecorder:Use
used. another card. 28
Please replace c_[rd.
This disccanrtol be A discthat cannol beused on lhis I_VDvideo camera!race,tier has
used. Please replace been loaded. Check lhe lype of disc. 28
This discis reoorded I_, This DVD video c_uneralrecor_er c_ut_lseonly discs recorded oft
the PALsysiern. Please ihe NTSC system. A disc recorded oft lhe PAL aystem canrtol be
replace disc. usedon ihis B_IDvideo camereJrecorder.
Top scerte c_[rtnoi be Divisiort is not possible al ihe siarl of scerte. _17
UNFORMAT DISC The disc i8 not iniiie[lized or ii i8 damaged.
Ifihis message appears, be sure Loirtitialize the disc on ihis I_VD
video camera!recorder berore using ii.
Reirtilializing _o_ena discused on thisB_IDvideo camere_recorder _35
rrmy be rtecessary (inilializing will erase all recorded cotttent_ oft
disc). IFthis message appears, l_yto irtitialize ihe disc. IFthe sarr_e
rr_essagesiillappears, thedisc rrmybe damaged: Lisaanotherdisc.
See _2on page 171. 82
UseAC adapier! FinalizationisrtolpossiblewheniheOVDvideocarnera/recerderis 43,'137
charger, powered by a bade_: Use ihe AC adapierlcharger forfinalizaliort.
UseAC adapierl Scene cannot be repaired whertthe IA.'Dvideocarneralrece_deris
charger, powered by a badel_.
Turn off power. Ifihe AC edapledcha_9er is urtavailadlein handy place, remorselhe 43
disc,_lsethe opposite side, or useanother disc. To repair lhe
remand disc, irtsert the discinto ihe DVDvideo c_[rr_eralrecorder
afterwards, and connect lhe AC edapler/cha_ger.
No movie cart be copied to card.
S81eclsiills and oopy them to card.
Vl BEd scerte cannot be
copied to ¢_.
Wrile protecled.
Check ¢_.
Wrile protecled.
Check disc.
• A locked card or wriie=prolecied disc is inserled.
• Release the lock orwriie-p_tecl usir_gthe Card or [3isc
Navig_iion met_u.