2 - 8
PBYTE puchCfgStream,
int nMaxLen,
PINT pnBytesReturned
Parameter Description
puchCfgStream Buffer to hold the raw imager configuration stream.
nMaxLen Maximum number of bytes that fit in buffer puchCfgStream.
pnBytesReturned Pointer to an integer where the number of bytes returned in puchCfgStream is placed.
Reads information about the image engine contained in the image engine PSOC. This call is only valid for imagers that have a
PSOC. If the attached imager is not an 5X80 image engine, or the engine does not have a PSOC, the function returns the error
Parameter Description
pEngInfo Pointer to an engine information structure in which the engine information is returned. The
dwStructSize member must be set to size (HHP_ENGINE_INFO) before making the call.
Returns the fixed imager capabilities, such as imager bits per pixel or image capture width and height.
Note: As with all other HHP structures, the dwStructSize member of the structure must be set before calling this function. (Set
to sizeof (HHP_IMAGER_CAPS).)
Parameter Description
pImgrCaps Pointer to the HHP_IMAGER_CAPS structure.
Reads configuration items for a single symbology or for all symbologies. Individual items to be read are specified by adding the
appropriate mask bit (OR it) to the mask member of the structure to which it belongs. Only items whose bits are set are read; all
other items are ignored.
SetupType_t cfgType,
int nSymbol,
PVOID pvSymStruct
Parameter Description
cfgType Use SETUP_TYPE_CURRENT for the current settings, or SETUP_TYPE_DEFAULT for
the customer default settings.
nSymbol One of the symbology enumerated types, e.g., SYM_CODE39, SYM_OCR, or SYM_ALL
to read all symbologies.
pStruct Pointer to the appropriate structure based on nSymbol, e.g., CODE39_T, OCR_T, or
HHP_SYM_CONFIG if all symbologies.