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&ilswllatio12of tiis range must Codormtith
# localcodes,
or in.&e absenceof localCodes,
Fuel Gas code, mTsI
~Z223. 1, latest edition.
‘-This range has been design-certifiedby the
&~~ericanGasAssociationaccordingto ANSI
Z21.1,latest edition.As withany applianceusing
gas and generating heat, there are certain safety
precautionsyou should follow.Youwillfindthese
precautions in the Important SafetyInstructions
in the f~-ontofthis book.Readthem carefully.
QHaveyour range installedby a qualfled
installer or service technician.
~Yourrange must be electricallygrounded
in accordance with localcodes or, in the absence
oflocalcodes, in accordancewith the National
ElectricalCode (ANSI/NFPA70,latest edition).
See ElectricalConnectionsin this section.
@Before installingyour range on linoleum.or any
other syntheticfloorcovering,make sure the
floor coveringcan withstand 180°Ewithout
shrinking, warping or discoloring.Do not install
the range over carpeting unless a sheet of l/4-
inch thick plywoodor similarinsulator is placed
between the range and carpeting.
~ lflake sure the wallcoverings around the range
can withstand heat generated by the range up
to 200°F
~Avoidplacing cabinets abovethe range. To
reduce the hazard caused by reaching over the
open flames of operating burners, installa
ventilatio~]hood over the range that projects
forward at least 5 inches beyond the front ofthe
~The ventilatinghood must be constructed of
sheet metal not less than
0.0122inch thick (No.
?8U.S.Standard gauge). Installabove the
:ookingtop with a clearance ofnot less than 1/4
nch between the hood and the underside ofthe
‘combustiblematerial or metal cabinet. The hood
nust be at ieast as wide as the applianceand
entered over the appliance.Clearance between
he cooking surface and the ventilationhood
urface MUST NEWR BE ~SS m 24
Ifcabinets are placed above the range, allow
~~~inimumclearance of 30 inches between
le cooking surface and the bo~tomof
[protected cabinets.
@Ha 30-inchclearancebetweencook~ngsurface
and overheadcombustiblematerialor metal
cabinetsca~~notbe maintained,protectthe
underside ofthe cabinetsabovethe cookingtop
withnot less than l/4-inch insulatingmillboard
coveredwith sheet metalnot less than 0.0122inch
thick (No.28U.S.Standardgauge).
@Clearancebetween the cookingsurface and
protected cabinetsMU~ NE~R BE WSS
M 24 INCHES. The verticaldistancefrom
the planeofthe cookingsurface to the bottom of
1inch to the planeofthe range sidesmust not be
less than 18inches. (SeeDimensionsand
Clearancesillustrationin this section.)
@Caution: Items ofinterest to children should
not be stored in cabinets abovea range or on the
backsplash ofa range-children climbingon the
range to reach items couldbe seriouslyinjured.
Ifyou pullthe range out tiom the wallfor any
reason, make sure the Anti-Tipdeviceis engaged
when you push the range back against the wall.
@For your safety,never use your range for
warming or heating the room. Youroven and
range top are not designed to heat your kitchen.
Top burners should not be operated without
cookware on the grate. Such abuse could result in
fire and damage to your range and willvoidyour
QDo not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammablevapors and liq~~idsin
the vicinityof this or any other appliance.
Explosions or fires could result.
QDo not use oven for a storage area. Items stored
in the oven can ignite.
GDo not let cooking grease or other flam~~~able
materials accumulate in or near the range.
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N1ranges can tip and injury
couldresult. To prevent
range, attach an approved
Anti-Tipdeviceto the wall.
(SeeInstallingthe Anti-Tip
Devicein this section.)To
check ifthe deviceis
installed and engaged
range forward. The Anti-Tip
deviceshould engage and
prevent the range from