%$38-2314"3(.-2 /$1 3(-&-2314"3(.-2Safety Instructions Operating Instructions
Care and Cleaning Troubleshooting Tips
Consumer Support
Before you call for service…
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Radiant Cooktops
Surface units will not ,/1./$1"..*6 1$ • Use pans which are flat and match the diameter
maintain a rolling boil !$(-&42$# of the surface unit selected.
or cooking is not
fast enough
Surface units do %42$(-8.41'.,$, 8!$ • Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker.
not work properly !+.6-.13'$"(1"4(3!1$ *$1
..*3./".-31.+2 • Check to see the correct control is set for the surface
(,/1./$1+82$3 unit you are using.
Scratches (may appear -".11$"3"+$ -(-&,$3'.#2 • Scratches are not removable. Tiny scratches will become
as cracks) on cooktop !$(-&42$# less visible in time as a result of cleaning.
glass surface
..*6 1$6(3'1.4&'!.33.,2 • To avoid scratches, use the recommended cleaning
!$(-&42$#.1". 12$/ 13("+$2 procedures. Make sure bottoms of cookware are clean
2 +3.12 -#6$1$!$36$$- before use, and use cookware with smooth bottoms.
3'$"..*6 1$ -#3'$241% "$
..*6 1$' 2!$$-2+(#
"1.223'$"..*3./241% "$
Areas of discoloration ..#2/(++.5$12-.3"+$ -$# • See the ;40=8=6C746;0BB2>>:C>? section.
on the cooktop !$%.1$-$7342$
.3241% "$.- ,.#$+ • This is normal. The surface may appear discolored
6(3' +(&'3".+.1$#&+ 22 when it is hot. This is temporary and will disappear
"..*3./ as the glass cools.
Plastic melted to .3"..*3./" ,$(-3. • See the ;0BBBDA5024M?>C4=C80;5>A?4A<0=4=C30<064
the surface ".-3 "36(3'/+ 23("/+ "$# section in the ;40=8=6C746;0BB2>>:C>?section.
Pitting (or indentation) .324& 1,(7341$2/(++$# • Call a qualified technician for replacement.
of the cooktop .-3'$"..*3./
Frequent cycling ,/1./$1"..*6 1$ • Use only flat cookware to minimize cycling.
off and on of !$(-&42$#
surface units
Coil Cooktops
Surface units '$241% "$4-(32 1$-.3 •With the controls off, check to make sure the surface
not functioning /+4&&$#(-2.+(#+8 unit is plugged completely into the receptacle.
'$241% "$4-(3".-31.+2 • Check to see the correct control is set for the surface
(,/1./$1+82$3 unit you are using.
'$#1(// -2 1$-.32$32$"41$+8• With the controls off, check to make sure the drip pan is
(-3'$"..*3./ in the recess in the cooktop and that the opening in the
pan lines up with the receptacle.