7.1 Base Unit Specifications
Measurement Range: 0.0-100%
Resolution: 0.1%
Accuracy and Linearity: ±1% of full scale at constant temperature, R.H.
and pressure when calibrated at full scale.
Total Accuracy: ±3% Actual Oxygen Level over full operating
temperature range.
Response Time: 90% of final value in approximately 15 seconds at
Warm-up Time: none required
Operating Temperature: 15C - 40C (59F - 104F)
Storage Temperature: -15C - 50C (5F - 122F)
Humidity: 0-95% (non-condensing)
Power Requirements: 2, AA Alkaline batteries (2 x 1.5 Volts)
Battery Life: approximately 3000 hours in typical use
Low Battery Indication: "LOW BAT" icon displayed on LCD
Sensor Type: Maxtec MAX-250 galvanic fuel cell
Expected Sensor Life: >900,000% O
2 Hours
Over 2 years in typical applications
3.5"(W) x 5.5"(H) x 1.5"(D) [89mm x 140mm x
Weight: approximately .92 lbs. (417g)
7.2 Sensor Specifications
Type: galvanic fuel sensor (0-100%)
Life: 2 years in typical applications
Interferent Volume % Dry Interference in O2%
Nitrous Oxide 75% <2%
Carbon Dioxide 10% <2%
Halothane 5% <2%
Enflurane 5% <2%
Isoflurane 5% <2%
Helium 70% <2%
Desflurane 15% <2%
Sevoflurane 6% <2%
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