HYUNDAI MicroElectronics GMS90X5XC Series
16 Jan. 2001 Ver 1.0
The GMS90X5XC core needs only 6 clock periods per machine cycle. This feature called ”X2” provides the
following advantages:
• Divide frequency crystals by 2 (cheaper crystals) while keeping same CPU power.
• Save power consumption while keeping same CPU power (oscillator power saving).
• Save power consumption by dividing dynamically operating frequency by 2 in operating and idle
• Increase CPU power by 2 while keeping same crystal frequency.
In order to keep the original C51 compatibility, a divider by 2 is inserted between the XTAL1 signal and the
main clock input of the core (phase generator). This divider may be disabled by software.
X2 Mode Description
The clock for the whole circuit and peripheral is first divided by two before being used by the CPU core and
peripherals. This allows any cyclic ratio to be accepted on XTAL1 input. In X2 mode, as this divider is bypassed,
the signals on XTAL1 must have a cyclic ratio between 40 to 60%. Figure 2. shows the clock generation block
diagram. X2 bit is validated on XTAL1
2 rising edge to avoid glitches when switching from X2 to STD mode.
Figure 3.shows the mode switching waveforms:
Figure 2. Clock Generation Diagram
The X2 bit in the CKCON register allows to switch from 12 clock cycles per instruction to 6 clock cycles and
vice versa. At reset, the standard speed is activated (STD mode). Setting this bit activates the X2 feature(X2
In order to prevent any incorrect operation while operating in X2 mode, user must be aware that all peripherals
using clock frequency as time reference (UART, timers) will have their time reference divided by two. For ex-
ample a free running timer generating an interrupt every 30 ms will then generate an interrupt every 15 ms.
UART with 2400 baud rate will have 4800 baud rate.
State Machine: 6 clokc cyles
CKCON Register
CPU control