Index 423
RIO-G 29
RMC 123, 169
comparison of functions 130
Global Copy 124
Global Mirror 125
Metro Mirror 123
RMF 289
RMZ 169
RPC 39
RPO 131
rsync 337
SAN 73
SAR 346
SARC 14, 24
scalability 13
scalability 264
SDD 14, 268, 324, 349
for Windows 366
security 165
Sequential Prefetching in Adaptive Replacement Cache
see SARC
RAS 67
server consolidation 47
server-based SMP 24
service offerings
Web sites 408
service processor 28
S-HMC 7, 40, 82, 136, 158
Advanced Copy Services 162
call home 164
dial up connection 163
DS Storage Manager 160
external 159
ftp offload option 166
network topology 162
remote access 164
remote services 160
secure high speed connection 163
security considerations 165
service 162
software components 160
system and partition managment 162
user management 166
simulated configuration 205
open systems 264
z/OS 269
SMI-S 162
spares 35, 77
floating 78
examples 177
rules 176
SSA 256
Standby Capacity on Demand see Standby CoD
Standby CoD 7, 180
storage capacity 7
storage complex 62, 190
storage facility image 48, 62
addressing capabilities 58
hardware components 50
I/O resources 51
processor and memory allocations 51
RIO-G interconnect separation 51–52
Storage Hardware Management Console see S-HMC
storage image 190
storage system logical partitions see storage system
storage system LPAR 7
DS8300 8
future directions 13
storage unit 62, 190
size 267
switched FC-AL 6
advantages 33
DS8000 implementation 34
Synchronous PPRC see Metro Mirror
System Activity Report see SAR
system power control network see SPCN
TPC 326
for disk 329
for replication 330
TPF 291
iostat 345
vmstat 347
VDS 367
Virtual Disk Service see VDS
abstraction layers for disk 85
address groups 96
array sites 86
arrays 87
benefits 100
concepts 83
definition 84
extent pools 89
hierarchy 98
host attachment 97
logical volumes 91
ranks 88
storage system 84
volume group 97
vmstat 347
volume groups 97, 194