Step 3
This step attempts to load Online Diagnostics in service mode.
1. Turn off the power.
2. Turn on the power.
3. If the keyboard indicator displays, press the numeric 6 key on the keyboard to
indicate that diagnostics are to be loaded.
4. Enter requested passwords.
5. Follow the instructions to select a console.
6. Wait until the diagnostics load or the system appears to stop.
Did the diagnostics load?
NO Go to “Step 5” on page 166.
YES Go to “Step 6” on page 168.
Step 4
This step attempts to load the Standalone diagnostics.
1. Turn off the power.
2. Turn on the power.
3. Insert the diagnostic CD into the CD-ROM drive.
4. If the keyboard indicator displays, press the numeric 5 key on the keyboard to
indicate that diagnostics are to be loaded.
5. Enter requested passwords.
6. Follow the instructions to select a console.
7. Wait until the diagnostics load or the system appears to stop.
Did the diagnostics load?
NO Go to “Step 5” on page 166.
YES Go to “Step 6” on page 168.
Chapter 8. Hardware Problem Determination 165