
Remote Operator Console
RPS ring parameter server
RTMP Routing Table Maintenance Protocol
RTP RouTing update Protocol
RTS request to send
Rtype route type
rxmits retransmissions
rxmt retransmit
SAF source address filtering
SAP service access point
SAP Service Advertising Protocol
SCR Sustained cell rate
SCSP Server Cache Synchronization Protocol
sdel start delimiter
SDLC SDLC relay, synchronous data link control
seqno sequence number
SGID sever group id
SGMP Simple Gateway Monitoring Protocol
SL serial line
SMP standby monitor present
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNA Systems Network Architecture
SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNPA subnetwork point of attachment
SPF OSPF intra-area route
SPE1 OSPF external route type 1
SPE2 OSPF external route type 2
SPIA OSPF inter-area route type
SPID service profile ID
SPX Sequenced Packet Exchange
SQE signal quality error
SRAM static random access memory
SRB source routing bridge
SRF specifically routed frame
SRT source routing transparent
List of Abbreviations 687