118 Model Driven Systems Development with Rational Products
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Accept the default installation location and click Finish.
When prompted, restart Rational Systems Developer.
Modeling the system as a black box
In this section you work at the highest level of abstraction, modeling the system
as a black box. After completing this section, you will have created:
A black-box context diagram identifying the system, I/O entities, and the
A use case diagram identifying the various benefits (use cases) that the
system provides to its stakeholders
Sequence diagrams identifying the flow of events and operations required of
the system
Create the system model
In this task you create the system model using the MDSD template:
Create a new UML Model:
– In the Project Explorer, right-click the Weather Tracking System project,
and select New → Other → UML Model.
– Click Next.
–Select Standard template.
– Select the MDSD template.
– Name the model Systems Model.
– Click Finish (Figure 6-29).