EIA-232 commands summary by function
The commands listed in Table 14 are described in detail in following sections of this
Table 14. EIA-232 commands organized by function
Description Command Page
System Commands
Exercise Program ESC x or X'1B78' 111
Status request ESC v or X'1B76' 112
Extended address command
(request printer ID)
GS | SOH or X'1D4901' This is an IMMEDIATE command. 112
Verify previous commands
X'1B008000' 111
Preset or Onetime-Set Commands
Download graphics (logo)
GS * logo# n1 n2 data or X'1D2A';logo#;n1;n2;data 115
Predefine messages GS : message# data GS : or X'1D3A; message#;data;'X'1D3A' 117
Download user-defined characters ESC & s n m data or X'1B26;s;n;m;data' 118
Thermal code page MCT commands 119
Proportional font ESC & s n m data or X'1B26;s;n;m;data' 120
Flash storage write ESC ’ n1 n2 data or X'1B27;n1;n2;data' 123
Erase flash EPROM sector ESC # n or X'1B23;n' 123
Send checksum of flash EPROM
ESC ″ n or X'1B22;n' 124
Microcode tolerance (MCT)
information - loading
ESC M nhlor X'1B4D;n;h;l'. 124
Microcode tolerance (MCT)
information - request
ESC S n or X'1B53;n' 125
Setup Commands
Set print mode ESC ! n or X'1B21;n' 129
Set or cancel double-wide mode ESC W n or X'1B57;n' 130
Set or cancel double-high mode ESC h n or X'1B68;n' 131
Set or cancel underline mode ESC − n or X'1B2D;n': 131
Set or cancel overline mode ESC x‘5F’ n or X'1B5F;n' 131
Set or cancel invert mode ESC H n or X'1B48;n' 131
Set or cancel emphasized printing ESC G n or X'1B47;n' 132
Select maximum print speed ESC / n or X'1B;2F;n' 132
Set or cancel unidirectional
ESC U n or X'1B55;n' 133
Set or cancel rotated character ESC V n or X'1B56;n' 135
Set print station ESC c 0 n or X'1B6330;n' 134
Select user-defined or resident
character sets
ESC % n or X'1B25;n' 134
Set code page ESC t n or X'1B74;n' 135
Set intercharacter spacing ESC SP n or X'1B20;n' 135
Updated April 2, 2009
104 SureMark Printers User’s Guide