Å 16 reduced scales
ı Ship-centering mode
(2)-1 Zooming in or out coastline images
The coastline image on the screen can be zoomed in or out to 0.125/256 NM
per dot to 4096/256 NM per dot (/ to ⁄5). See p. 30 for over zoom function.
The zooming center may be the ship position or the cross hair cursor position.
In this mode, the coastline image is zoomed in or out while the current ship
mark is centered on the screen.
When the cross hair cursor is not active, pressing the [ZOOM-IN] or [ZOOM-OUT]
key causes zooming operation to be done in this mode.
In this mode, the coastline image is zoomed in or out while the cross hair cur-
sor position is centered on the screen.
q Press [UP]/[DOWN] or [LEFT]/[RIGHT] key to activate the cross hair cursor on
the screen.
w Using the [UP]/[DOWN] or [LEFT]/[RIGHT] key, move the cross hair cursor to the
desired position on the screen.
Using the [UP]-[LEFT] or [UP]-[RIGHT] key combination allows you to move the
cross hair cursor to the upper left of right.
Using the [DOWN]-[LEFT] or [DOWN]-[RIGHT] key combination allows you to
move the cross hair cursor to the lower left or right.
* When the cross hair cursor reaches a screen edge, the coastline image is
e Use the [ZOOM-IN] or [ZOOM-OUT] key to enlarge or reduce the image to the
desired scale in cursor-centering mode.
* When you press the [SHIP] key in cursor-centering mode, the cross hair cursor
disappears and the system goes to the ship-centering mode.
Ç Cursor-centering mode