11 PEAK HOLD (peak hold)
When the peak hold function is ON, the highest acti-
vated segment of the meter remains visible for 0.5
sec.; when OFF, the meter functions normally.
Peak hold ON
Peak hold OFF
6 AUTO OFF (auto power OFF)
The auto power OFF function can be used to auto-
matically turn the transceiver OFF after a specified
time of operation. This item can be set to 30 min., 60
min., 90 min., 120 min., or OFF.
Auto power OFF set to
20 min.
Auto power OFF
deactivates. (default)
The [RF/SQL] control can be set as the squelch con-
trol (default), the RF/squelch control (USA version
default) or automatic (acts as squelch in
FM/WFM/AM modes; as RF in SSB/CW/RTTY
modes). (See p. 22)
The [RF/SQL] control
functions as RF gain
control only.
The [RF/SQL] control
functions as squelch
control only.
8 SUBDIAL (Subdial function)
When this item is set to “rit,” pushing [RIT/SUB]
turns the RIT function ON (lights red)—rotating [M-
CH] changes the RIT frequency; when this item is set
to “Freq,” pushing [RIT/SUB] turns the sub dial func-
tion ON (lights green)—rotating [M-CH] changes the
operating frequency. Note that in FM, WFM and AM
modes, pushing [RIT/SUB] always selects the sub
dial function (lights green), regardless of this setting.
Pushing [RIT/SUB]
selects the RIT function
Pushing [RIT/SUB]
selects the sub dial function.
9 OPT. FIL 1 (optional filter)
When an optional filter is installed, this selection is
necessary, otherwise the filters cannot be selected.
Selections available are FL-100, FL-101, FL-103, FL-
223, FL-232 and none (default). See p. 22 for usable
filters for each mode and see p. 60 for filter installa-
10 OPT. FIL 2 (optional filter)
When an optional filter is installed, this selection is
necessary, otherwise the filters cannot be selected.
Selections available are FL-100, FL-101, FL-103, FL-
223, FL-232 and none (default). See p. 22 for usable
filters for each mode and see p. 60 for filter installa-
No filters are selected
FL-223 (for LSB/USB mode)
is selected.
No filters are selected
FL-223 (for LSB/USB mode)
is selected.