The Web-Based Conguration Utility for your rst
AirStation will open. Click on the Advanced tab.
On the left side menu, click on Wireless Cong, and then
Change the Wireless Channel from Auto to a channel.
Make a note of the channel that you’ve chosen, because all
of your wireless devices will need to be congured to use
this same channel. Change Framebursting from 125 High
Speed Mode to Framebursting or Do not use (Framebursting
is recommended if all your client devices support it). Click
Apply. Your AirStation will reboot in 30-60 seconds.
Optional: Note the SSID of this AirStation. By default,
this value will be different for each AirStation. For easy
roaming, you may want to change the SSIDs of both
AirStations to a constant value.
Configuring a WDS Bridge