Presets: The provided Presets optimize the projector for displaying com-
puter presentations, photographs, film images, and video images. (Film
input is material originally captured on a film camera, like a movie; video
input is material originally captured on a video camera, like a TV show or
sporting event.)
There are also user-definable presets. To set a preset for the current source,
adjust the image, select Save Settings in the Presets menu, then select Save
User Presets 1 (or 2 or 3). You can recall these settings in the future by select-
ing the User 1 preset. If you select User Presets then further adjust the
image, Presets Off will automatically be selected in the Preset menu to indi-
cate changes have been made.
To restore the factory default settings, choose Factory Reset in the Set-
tings>Service menu.
Save Settings
EDX Ref Guide.fm Page 27 Friday, June 30, 2006 10:48 AM