
14 High Availability for Windows Demo Guide — September 2004
Preparing to Run the Demo
3.3 RSS Program Prerequisite
As a prerequisite to running the Redundant System Slot (RSS) program, you must install the Intel®
Dialogic® system software, including the Redundant System Slot component, on both the Active
SBC and the Standby SBC. Both SBCs must be running Windows 2000*.
Note: When the Intel® Dialogic System Software is installed for the first time on both SBCs, only the
Active SBC will have the drivers installed and the boards enumerated. The Standby SBC will not
have the boards enumerated in the system. To address this, you must prep the boards on the
Standby SBC by performing a cooperative switchover and enabling the boards. After this is done,
the Standby SBC can download and activate the boards when a the application notifies the RSS
demo that a failover/takeover event has occurred. This nofification is done via the Pigeon Point Hot
Swap APIs or the Pigeon Point rhdemo.exe demo program.