We Value Your Opinion
Dear Intel Customer:
We have updated the information that was provided in the 1992 version of the 8XC196MC User’s
Manual, added information about the 8XC196MD and 8XC196MH, and corrected known errata.
We hope these changes make it easier for you to use our products. Your feedback will help us to
provide the information you need. We’ll use your responses to guide us in developing other man-
uals and new versions of this one.
Does the manual contain the information that you need? If not, what’s missing?
What do you like the most about this manual?
What do you like the least about this manual?
How would you rate the overall quality? (1=awful, 2=average, 3=better than average) _________
Please fax this form to (602)554-7436 or mail it to
Marcia Bethel, Glenn Dotson, Robin Manelis, and Sue Ranta
Technical Information Developers
Intel Corporation, Mail Stop CH6-224
5000 W. Chandler Blvd.
Chandler, AZ 85226
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