t Lowercase “t” represents the internal operating period. See “Internal
Timing” on page 2-7 for details.
units of measure The following abbreviations are used to represent units of measure:
A amps, amperes
DCV direct current volts
Kbytes kilobytes
kHz kilohertz
kΩ kilo-ohms
mA milliamps, milliamperes
Mbytes megabytes
MHz megahertz
ms milliseconds
mW milliwatts
ns nanoseconds
pF picofarads
W watts
V volts
µA microamps, microamperes
µF microfarads
µs microseconds
µW microwatts
X Uppercase X (no italics) represents an unknown value or an
irrelevant (“don’t care”) state or condition. The value may be either
binary or hexadecimal, depending on the context. For example,
2XAFH (hex) indicates that bits 11:8 are unknown; 10XXB (binary)
indicates that the two least-significant bits are unknown.
The tables in this section list additional documents that you may find useful in designing systems
incorporating MCS 96 microcontrollers. These are not comprehensive lists, but are a representa-
tive sample of relevant documents. For a complete list of available printed documents, please or-
der the literature catalog (order number 210621). To order documents, please call the Intel
literature center for your area (telephone numbers are listed on page 1-11).
Intel’s ApBUILDER software, hypertext manuals and datasheets, and electronic versions of ap-
plication notes and code examples are also available from the BBS (see “Bulletin Board System
(BBS)” on page 1-9). New information is available first from FaxBack and the BBS. Refer to
“Electronic Support Systems” on page 1-8 for details.