5.2.1 Data Types
Table 5-1 lists the data types that are addressed by the instruction set. Words or dwords (double
words) can be in stored memory starting at any byte address; alignment on two-byte or four-byte
boundaries is not required. Words and dwords are stored in memory and the register file in big
endien form. Order of Byte Storage for Words and Double Words
MCS 251 microcontrollers store words (2 bytes) and double words (4 bytes) in memory and in
the register file in big endien form. In memory storage, the most significant byte (MSB) of the
word or double word is stored in the memory byte specified in the instruction; the remaining bytes
are stored at higher addresses, with the least significant byte (LSB) at the highest address. Words
and double words can be stored in memory starting at any byte address. In the register file, the
MSB is stored in the lowest byte of the register specified in the instruction. For a description of
the register file, see section 3.3, “8XC251SA, SB, SP, SQ Register File.” The code fragment in
Figure 5-1 illustrates the storage of words and double words in big endien form.
5.2.2 Register Notation
In register-addressing instructions, specific indices denote the registers that can be used in that
instruction. For example, the instruction ADD A,Rn uses “Rn” to denote any one of R0, R1, ...,
R7; i.e., the range of n is 0–7. The instruction ADD Rm,#data uses “Rm” to denote R0, R1, ...,
R15; i.e., the range of m is 0–15. Table 5-2 summarizes the notation used for the register indices.
When an instruction contains two registers of the same type (e.g., MOV Rmd,Rms) the first index
“d” denotes “destination” and the second index “s” denotes “source.”
5.2.3 Address Notation
In the MCS 251 architecture, memory addresses include a region number (00:, 01:, ..., FF:) (Fig-
ure 3-4 on page 3-6). SFR addresses have a prefix “S:” (S:000H–S:1FFH). The distinction be-
tween memory addresses and SFR addresses is necessary because memory locations 00:0000H–
00:01FFH and SFR locations S:000H–S:1FFH can both be directly addressed in an instruction.
Table 5-1. Data Types
Data Type Number of Bits
Bit 1
Byte 8
Word 16
Dword (Double Word) 32