Vol. 3A 17-25
On the P6 family and Pentium processors, reserved bits 11, 12, 14 and 15 are hard-wired to 0.
On the Intel486 processor, however, bit 12 can be set. See Table 9-1 for the different settings of
this register following a power-up or hardware reset.
17.22.3 Debug Registers DR4 and DR5
Although the DR4 and DR5 registers are documented as reserved, previous generations of
processors aliased references to these registers to debug registers DR6 and DR7, respectively.
When debug extensions are not enabled (the DE flag in control register CR4 is cleared), the P6
family and Pentium processors remain compatible with existing software by allowing these
aliased references. When debug extensions are enabled (the DE flag is set), attempts to reference
registers DR4 or DR5 will result in an invalid-opcode exception (#UD).
For the Pentium processor, it is recommended that debuggers execute the LGDT instruction
before returning to the program being debugged to ensure that breakpoints are detected. This
operation does not need to be performed on the P6 family, Intel486, or Intel386 processors. Test
The implementation of test registers on the Intel486 processor used for testing the cache and
TLB has been redesigned using MSRs on the P6 family and Pentium processors. (Note that
MSRs used for this function are different on the P6 family and Pentium processors.) The MOV
to and from test register instructions generate invalid-opcode exceptions (#UD) on the P6 family
This section describes the new exceptions and exception conditions added to the 32-bit IA-32
processors and implementation differences in existing exception handling. See Chapter 5,
“Interrupt and Exception Handling,” for a detailed description of the IA-32 exceptions.
The Pentium III processor introduced new state with the XMM registers. Computations
involving data in these registers can produce exceptions. A new MXCSR control/status register
is used to determine which exception or exceptions have occurred. When an exception associ-
ated with the XMM registers occurs, an interrupt is generated.
• SIMD floating-point exception (#XF, interrupt 19) — New exceptions associated with the
SIMD floating-point registers and resulting computations.
No new exceptions were added with the Pentium Pro and Pentium II processors. The set of avail-
able exceptions is the same as for the Pentium processor. However, the following exception
condition was added to the IA-32 with the Pentium Pro processor:
• Machine-check exception (#MC, interrupt 18) — New exception conditions. Many
exception conditions have been added to the machine-check exception and a new archi-