Software Developer’s Manual 115
EEPROM Interface
5.6.26 Initialization Control 3 (Word 14h
high byte, 24h high byte)
This word controls the general initialization values.
Note: Since the 82546GB/EB is a dual-port device, the Initialization Control Word 3 bit assignments are
port specific.
1. Applicable to the 82546GB/EB only.
Table 5-12. Initialization Control 3
Bit Name Description
7:5 Reserved Reserved. Set these bits to 0b.
4 Interrupt Pin
Controls the value advertised in the Interrupt Pin field of the PCI
Configuration header for this device/function.
A value of 0b (default), reflected in the Interrupt Pin field, indicates that
the 82546GB/EB uses INTA#; a value of 1b indicates that the
82546GB/EB uses INTB#.
If only a single device/function of the Ethernet controller is enabled, this
value is ignored and the Interrupt Pin field of the enabled device reports
INTA# usage.
3 FLASH Disable
Set this bit to 0b (default) to enable the FLASH logic.
Set this bit to 1b to disable the FLASH logic. Note that the Expansion
ROM & secondary FLASH access BARs in PCI configuration space are
also disabled.
2 APM Enable
Initial value of Advanced Power Management Wakeup Enable in the
Wakeup Control Register (WUC.APME).
The default for this bit is 0b.
1:0 Link Mode
Initial value of Link Mode bits of the Extended Device Control Register
(CTRL_EXT.LINK_MODE), specifying which link interface and protocol
is used by the MAC.
For Address 24h (High Byte) / LAN A
00b = MAC operates in GMII/MII mode with internal copper PHY
01b = External GMII/MII mode
10b = Internal SerDes mode (not applicable to the 82540EP/EM)
11b = MAC operates in TBI mode using external TBI interface
For Address 14h (High Byte) / LAN B
00b = MAC operates in GMII/MII mode with internal copper PHY
01b = Reserved
10b = Internal SerDes mode (not applicable to the 82540EP/EM)
11b = MAC operates in TBI mode using external TBI interface
a. For the 82540EP/EM, 82541PI/GI/EI, and 82547GI/EI to properly communicate with the internal copper PHY, this value
must be set to 00b.