Jasmine™ Patient Lift 16 Part No 1150704
3. Liftthepatient.RefertoLift ing/Movi ngthePatient.
FIGURE 4.3 Attaching a Sling to the Optional Cradle Attachment
Lifting/Moving the Patient
DO NOT lock the rear casters of the lift when lifting an individual. Locking the rear casters could
cause the lift to tip and endanger the patient and assistants.
DO NOT move the patient if the sling is not properly connected to the hooks of the swivel bar. When
the sling is elevated a few inches off the surface of the bed and before moving the patient, check again
to make sure that the sling is properly connected to the hooks of the swivel bar. If any attachments
are NOT properly in place, lower the patient back onto the stationary surface and correct this
problem - otherwise, injury or damage may occur.
Adjustments for safety and comfort should be made before moving the patient. Patient's arms
should be inside of the straps.
DO NOT use slings and patient lifts of different manufacturers. Invacare slings are made specifically
for use with Invacare patient lifts. Injury or damage may occur.
NOTE:Forthisprocedure,refertoFIGURE 4.4onpage17.
NOTE:Whenthepatientisliftedfromthebedorthefloor(withthepatien t’sheadsupportedbytheslingand/oranassistant),he/shewillbe
1. Presstheup buttononthehandco ntrol
toraise thepatienthighenoughtocle arthebedsu rface.Thepatient’sfullbodyweight
willbesupportedbythe lift.
NOTE:Theboomwillstayinthispositionuntiltheupordownbuttonsar epushedonthehandcontrol.
2. Placethepatient’sarmsinsid eofthesling.
3. Whenthe
patien tisclear ofthebedsurface,swingtheirfeetoffthe bed (Detail“B”).
4. Usingthehandle,mo v ethepatientliftaw ayfromthebed.
5. Tu rnthepatientsothathe /shefacesassistantoperatingthepatientlift(Detail“C”).
6. Pressthedownbuttontolow e rthepatien tsothathis/herfeet
NOTE:Thelowercenterofgravityprovidesstabilityma king thepatientfeelmo resecureandthelifteasiertomove.
7. Pushtheliftwithbothhandsfirmlyonthesteeringhandle.
Cradle Attachment
Sling Attachment Point
Two Sling Attachment Points on Handle
(One Attachment Point Not Shown)
Sling Attachment Point