12.1 pH Control
pH is a measure of relative acidity or alkalinity of water and is measured on a
scale of 0 to 14. The midpoint of 7 is said to be neutral, above which is alka-
line and below which is acidic. In spa water, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO
become proportionately severe the further outside of this range the water
gets. A low pH will be corrosive to metals in the spa equipment. A high pH
will cause minerals to deposit on the interior surface (scaling). In addition, the
ability of the sanitation agents to keep the spa clean is severely affected as
the pH moves beyond the ideal range. That is why almost all spa water test
kits contain a measure for pH as well as sanitizer.
12.2 Sanitizing
To destroy bacteria and organic compounds in the spa water, a sanitizer
must be used regularly. Chlorine and Bromine are the two most popular
sanitizers used to date. Many other additives are available for your spa.
Some are necessary to compensate for out-of-balance water, some aid in
cosmetic water treatment and others simply alter the feel or smell of the
water. Your Authorized Jacuzzi Premium dealer can advise you on the use of
these additives.
CAUTION: Do not use chlorine tablets (Trichlor) in your spa. This
chemical can have an extremely corrosive effect on certain mate-
rials in the spa. Damage caused by use of this chemical, or improp-
er use of any chemicals, is not covered under the spa's warranty.
12.3 Optional CD Ozone Water Maintenance System
If you have elected to have your spa equipped with the optional Jacuzzi
Premium CD Ozone water purification system you will find that your water
stays fresh and clear with significantly less chemical sanitizer usage. You will
also probably be able to go longer between complete spa drainings. The
CD ozone unit operates in conjunction with the circulation pump.
13.0 Error Conditions / Error Messages
13.1 Summer Logic
When the actual spa water temperature reaches up to 2 °F
(1 °C) above the set temperature, the spa goes into “summer
logic.” The circulation pump will turn off automatically to
avoid adding additional heat to the water, eventually creating
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