
Symptom Probable Cause Solution
No sound coming Amplifier not turned on Turn on amplifier
from speaker Amplifier gain is low Make sure that there is
Correct source not amplifier gain for that
selected or turned on channel
Defective patchcords to Select proper source
amplifier Check/replace patch cords
Speaker wires not Check speaker wire
connected to amplifier connection to amplifier
Cinema drivers are not Loose din cables between Check that din cable is
turning on in cinema mode speakers and power connected between
sequencer speakers and power
Loose din cables between sequencer
power sequencer and Check that din cable is
surround processor connected between power
Defective din cables sequencer and surround
Relays in speakers not processor
switching Check/replace din cables
Bass is very weak Subwoofers are wired out Make sure that positive
of phase terminals on the
Subwoofers have not subwoofers go to the
been placed optimally positive terminals on the
amplifiers (red) and do the
same for the negatives
Experiment with different
Poor or smeared imaging Poor room acoustics Use absorptive materials
Poor program source to minimize early
Improper polarity reflections
Check another program
Aim speakers at listening
area, check polarity
Indistinct dialog Slap echoes Add absorption or
Miscalibration of center diffusion materials
channel output level Check output levels of
surround processor
Uneven surround coverage Poor speaker placement, Place surrounds
strong reflections according to THX spec
Excessive absorption near Add absorption and/or
surrounds diffusion materials
Remove absorptive
material to provide
surround reflections