• Gas requirements : The Appliance pressure regulator supplied with
this appliance is pre-set and fixed for correct outlet pressure: 5"W.C.
this model is equipped for use with natural gas; 10" W.C. when
converting to LP. The maximum inlet gas supply pressure for the
regulator is 14" W.C. The inlet test pressure for checking the regulator
must be at least 6" W.C if equipped for natural gas; 11" W.C. if
converted to LP gas.
• An individual gas shut-off valve must be used.
• Cabinetry over cooktop : 30' minimum clearance between the top of
the cooking surface and the bottom of an unprotected wood or metal
cabinet. 24" minimum when bottom of wood or metal cabinet is
protected by not less than 1/4" flame retardant millboard covered with
not less than no. 28 MSG sheet steel, 0.015" stainless steel, 0.024"
aluminum or copper.
• To eliminate the hazard of reaching over heated surface units,
cabinet storage space located above the surface units should be
avoided. If cabinet storage is to be provided, the hazard can be
reduced by installing a range hood that projects horizontally a
minimum of 5" beyond the bottom of the cabinets.
• Radius corners of cutout and file to insure smooth edges and prevent
corner cracking (1/4" radius).
Additional Information:
Subject to change without notice. This system is designed to be updated daily if necessary. Dimension Express is not responsible for use of superseded, voided, or
outdated data sheets. Because of the difficulty or impracticability of determining actual damages, liability of Dimension Express shall not exceed $50.00.
Copyright © Dimension Express, 2004.
Fax on Demand (775) 833-3600
• NEVER reuse Data Sheets. Data Sheets are subject to change without • Call Dimension Express if you have any questions at (775) 833-3633 •
notice. Dimension Express is a FREE service bureau and is updated daily, • Always refer to a current Code at a Glance or manufacturer directory •
it makes far more sense to spend the time necessary to request new Data • Data Sheet codes change on the first of odd numbered months at 12:01am •
Sheets for each project, as opposed to the problems, time, costs, and risks
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30" Gas Cooktops:
JGC8430BDS, JGC8430BDB, JGC8430BDQ and
• Product Model Number (s): •
This Data Sheet Includes Information On
BN182.34 • A321B149 • • 041201 • 7461 • 64521
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