PY80265,05I0253 –19–12SEP05–1/1
Storing Element
RW471 –UN–26FEB90
If element is not installed on tractor, seal element in a
plastic bag and store in its original shipping container to
protect against dust and damage.
PY80265,05I0254 –19–12SEP05–1/1
Replacing Alternator/Fan Belt
PY1652 –UN–27OCT03
A—Alternator Cap Screw
B—Alternator Bolt
1. Loosen cap screw (A) and bolt (B) and rotate the
alternator (C) to free the belt.
2. Remove belt from drive pulley.
3. Belt can be pulled around fan to remove.
4. Install new belt in reverse order of removal.
5. Adjust belt tension. (See Inspect and Adjust
Alternator/Fan Belt in Service—250 Hours section.)
GENERIC,0000063 –19–22FEB06–1/1
Fuel System Components
PY4297 –UN–06DEC04
PY4296 –UN–06DEC04
fuel filter C—Priming pump E—Electric fuel shut-off G—Injection pump
B—Fuel shut-off valve D—Bleed screw F—Fuel injection lines