3.08 - Operating Techniques
All of the following factors are important in selecting the proper forward speed:
1. Height of grass.
2. Type of grass.
3. Density of grass.
4. Type of terrain.
5. Grass condition, wet or dry.
This mower has been designed to cut grass with heights from 4” to 8”. It is
recommended to avoid cutting grass taller than 10”. For the best results, try cutting the
grass at least once per week during growing season. Tall, dense grass should be cut at
low speed, while thin medium grass can be cut at a faster ground speed. For cleaner
cuts and efficient mowing, the blades must be kept sharp
Always operate PTO at 540 rpm. This is necessary to maintain proper blade speed and
obtain a clean cut.
Under certain conditions, tractor tires may roll some grass down and prevent it from
being cut at the same height as the surrounding area. If this occurs reduce the tractor
ground speed but maintain a 540 rpm engine speed. The lower ground speed will permit
the grass to at least partially rebound. Under some conditions grass will not rebound
enough to be cut evenly, resulting in an uneven appearance. In general, lower cutting
See Sharpening Blades in section 4.03 - Blade Maintenance.
Fig. 9
The mulching kit is an
available option,
consisting in 3
multilevel cutting edge
blades and add-on
containment baffling
which bolts to the
underside of the mower
deck, to mulch and
pulverize grass and