Samsung 240, 432
Sansui 041, 067, 271
Sanyo 046, 104
Saville 352
SBR 081
Schaub Lorenz 000, 005, 041, 104, 344
Schneider 000, 072, 081
SEG 240, 322
SEI 004, 081
Seleco 041
Sentra 020
Sharp 048
Shintom 072, 104
Shorai 004
Siemens 003, 006, 016, 037, 054, 081, 104, 195
Silva 037
Singer 045
Sinudyne 004, 081
Solavox 020
Sonolor 046
Sontec 037
Sony 011, 032, 033, 034
Sunkai 348
Sunstar 000
Suntronic 000
Tashiko 000
Tatung 000, 041, 081
Tec 020
Technics 162, 226
Teleavia 041
Telefunken 041, 187, 320, 321,384
Tenosal 072
Tensai 000, 322
Thomson 041, 320, 384
Thorn 036, 041, 084, 104
Toshiba 041, 043, 045, 081, 384
Towada 322
Triumph 208
Uher 240, 344
Ultravox 049, 344
Universum 000, 006, 016, 037, 049, 081, 106, 195,
240, 325
White Westinghouse 344
Yamishi 072
Yokan 072
Yoko 020, 240
Manufacturers’ codes listed on pages 49 to 53 are subject
to change without notice. If they are changed, this
remote control cannot operate the equipment.
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