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In digital audio, music is processed in digital form. The music played by musicians in a
recording studio or a concert hall is picked up by a microphone and recorded in digital form,
to be released for sale as packaged media, including CD. The consumers buy the CD to play
on a CD player: the recorded music is converted from digital to analog for playback through
an amplifier and speakers. The process of playing digital music involves analog/digital
conversion and digital/analog conversion as shown below.
Process of Playing Digital Music
The sound quality of a signal depends on the following two factors when the signal
is converted from analog to digital.
• Quantization wordlength (bits), which determines resolution or the expression of
music in the amplitude domain.
• Sampling frequency, which determines the frequency response or the expression
of music in the frequency domain.
CC Converter
CC Converter
Problems with Digital Conversion
Problems with Digital Conversion