CK Cook Islands LC Saint Lucia TD Chad
CL Chile LI Liechtenstein TF French Southern Territories
CM Cameroon LK Sri Lanka TG Togo
CN China LR Liberia TH Thailand
CO Colombia LS Lesotho TJ Tajikistan
CR Costa Rica LT Lithuania TK Tokelau
CU Cuba LU Luxembourg TM Turkmenistan
CV Cape Verde LV Latvia TN Tunisia
CX Christmas Island LY Libya TO Tonga
CY Cyprus MA Morocco TP East Timor
CZ Czech Republic MC Monaco TR Turkey
DE Germany MD Moldova TT Trinidad and Tobago
DJ Djibouti MG Madagascar TV Tuvalu
DK Denmark MH Marshall Islands TW Taiwan
DM Dominica, Commonwealth of ML Mali TZ Tanzania
DO Dominican Republic MM Myanmar UA Ukraine
DZ Algeria MN Mongolia UG Uganda
EC Ecuador MO Macau UM Minor Outlying Islands
EE Estonia MP Northern Mariana Islands US United States
EG Egypt MQ Martinique UY Uruguay
EH Western Sahara MR Mauritania UZ Uzbekistan
ER Eritrea MS Montserrat VA Vatican
ES Spain MT Malta VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadine
ET Ethiopia MU Mauritius VE Venezuela
FI Finland MV Maldives VG British Virgin Islands
FJ Fiji MW Malawi VI Virgin Islands of the United States
FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) MX Mexico VN Vietnam
FM Micronesia (Federated States of) MY Malaysia VU Vanuatu
FO Faroe Islands MZ Mozambique WF Wallis and Futuna
FR France NA Namibia WS Samoa
FX France, Metropolitan NC New Caledonia YE Yemen
GA Gabon NE Niger YT Mayotte
GB United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
NF Norfolk Island YU Yugoslavia
GD Grenada NG Nigeria ZA South Africa
GE Georgia NI Nicaragua ZM Zambia
GF French Guiana NL Netherlands ZR Zaire
GH Ghana NO Norway ZW Zimbabwe
GI Gibraltar NP Nepal
GL Greenland NR Nauru