USK SKV 2 - 060104
This appliance can be assembled in two different ways, according to
the desired cleaning mode.
1. Upright cleaning mode, which is suitable for cleaning large area
such as floorboard and carpet.
a. Connect the extension tube
To connect the extension tube, press the
locking pin (step 1) and insert the upper part
in the lower part making sure that the locking
pin fits in its opening through the lower part
(step 2).
To detach the extension tube, press the locking pin and pull out the
During use, attach the supply cord into the
clamp foreseen on the handle and wind it
around the cord support hooks.
b. Connect the floor brush
Connect the floor brush with the main body
by pressing the locking pin and inserting the
floor brush making sure that the locking pin
fits in its opening through the main body.
To detach the floor brush, press the locking
pin and pull out the floor brush.