('Oil ('OIl
niw (_5I ¸ 3[!W65Z -
31,W 751 3EW 75Z
31!WI OttI ¸ 3EWI IRIZ
4[iw 90T 4EW 99Z
41!WI 251 4EWI 25Z
41LWl 501 4EWl 50Z
5EWI 20'I 5EWI 20Z
5EWI.75 I 5EWI 75Z
5[-W2 00"[ SEW200Z
NO INPUI **llliA'[ ING
Sli(' +M[_II ( APA('IIY
3 91 80
3 105 92
3 140 II9
4 126 II[
4 175 150
4 210 178
5 168 147
5 245 209
5 280 236
70 0.65 863 8" X 8" X 15' 14+1/2 6 8
80 075 852 8" X 8"X 15' 14-1/2 6 8
103 100 83 4 8" X 8" X 15' 14-1/2 6 8
97 090 860 8" X 8" X 15' 17-3/4 6 9-5/8
130 I +25 839 8" X 8" X 15' 17-314 6 9-5/8
155 150 82.4 8" X 8" X ]5' 17-3/4 6 9-5/8
128 1+20 865 8" X 8" X 15' 21 6 1I-I/2
182 1.75 836 8" X 8" X 15' 21 6 11-1/2
205 2 00 820 8" X 8" X 20' 21 6 [I-I/2
*MBH 1,000 BTU per hour BTU British Thermal Unit
+'*Heating Capacity based on 13% CO2 with a -0.02" w.c draft over fire, and a #1 smoke or less. Testing was done in accordance with the D.O.E.
(Department of Energy) test procedure.
_GPB Gallons per hour oil at 140,000 BTU per gallon
+ _A F U E. = Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency based upon DOE test procedure.
These low pressure oil fired hot water boilers are constructed and hydrostatically tested for a maximum working
pressure of 50 psig (pounds per square inch gage) in accordance with A.S.M.E. (American Society of Mechanical
Engineers) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IV Standards for heating boilers.
The Heating Capacity indicates the amount of heat available after subtracting the losses up the stack. Most of
this remaining heat is available to heat water. A small portion is heat from the jacket and surfaces of the boiler,
and it is assumed that this heat stays in the structure. The Net I=B=R Rating represents the portion of the
remaining heat that can be applied to heat the radiation or terminal units (i.e. finned tube baseboard, cast iron
radiators, radiant floor, etc.). The difference between the Heating Capacity and the Net I=B=R Rating, called the
piping and pickup allowance, establishes a reserve for heating the volume of water in the system and offsetting
heat losses from the system piping. The Net I=B-R Ratings shown are based on a piping and pickup factor of 1.15
in accordance with the I-B-R Standard as published by the Hydronics Institute. The Net I=B=R Rating of the
boiler selected should be greater than or equal to the calculated peak heating load (heat loss) for the building or
area(s) served by the boiler and associated hot water heating systems. The manufacturer should be consulted
before selecting a boiler for installations having unusual piping and pickup requirements.
Boilers with the same number of sections are identical to each other except for their firing rate. The firing rate is
deternuned by the nozzle size in the oil burner and the oil pressure at the nozzle. For example: Models 3E.65Z,
3E.75Z, and 3El .00Z are the same boiler, without a tankless coil, except for the firing rate of the oil burner.
Models 4E.90T, 4El .25T, and 4El.50T are the same boiler, with a tankless coil, except for the firing rate of the oil
Each boiler rating plate shows three possible model nutnbcrs for a given boiler configuration. The actual model
tmnaber is determined by the firing rate of the oil burner. Boilers that are factory packaged include two nozzles for
two firing rates. These boilers operate on #2 Heating Oil.