This section discusses the concepts behind microwave cooking. It also shows you the basics you need to know to
operate your microwave oven. Please read this information before you use your oven.
A microwave oven uses microwaves to heat food.
Microwaves are very short waves of electromagnetic
energy that travel at the speed of light (186,282 miles
per second). Microwaves used in microwave ovens are
in the same family of frequencies as the signals used
in radio and television broadcasting.
In the case of microwave ovens, the commonly used
wave frequency is roughly 2,450 megahertz (2.45 giga-
hertz). Waves in this frequency range have an interest-
ing property: they are absorbed by water, fats and sug-
ars. When they are absorbed they are converted
directly into atomic motion-heat. Microwaves in this fre-
quency range have another interesting property: they
are not absorbed by most plastics, glass or ceramics.
Metar reflects microwaves, which is why metal pans do
not work well in a microwave oven.
ULTRA WAVETM Inverter Microwave System gives you
better microwave cooking performance for defrosting,
cooking and reheating foods quickly and uniformly.The
ULTRA WAVE Inverter Microwave System is proven
technology that delivers a constant stream of
microwave power - true high, medium and low power.
Conventional microwave ovens operate on HIGH
power only. To achieve 70% power level in a conven-
tional microwave oven, the oven operates 70% of the
time at HIGH power and 70% of the time OFF
One of the most important components used in the
microwave oven is the Magnetron. A magnetron, in the
microwave oven is reponsible for the production of
microwaves. These microwaves produced by the mag-
netron, move into the oven and come in contact with
the food placed on the glass turntable.
Further, the glass turntable iniside the oven lets the
microwaves pass through.These microwaves further
bounce off a metal floor and travel back through the
glass turn table and are finally absorbed by the food,
)laced inside the oven .
One of the characterstic features of microwaves isthat
they can pass through most glass, papers and plastics
without heating them and they further get absorbed by
the food in the form of heat energy. The microwaves
bounce offthe metal container and so the metal con-
tainer does not absorb its energy.
The ULTRA WAVE Inverter Microwave System delivers
power continuously, to defrost more evenly and mini-
mize overcooking offood and messy food spatters.
The ULTRA WAVETM Inverter Microwave System fea-
tures Sensor Cooking functions. A humidity sensor in
the oven cavity detects moisture and humidity emmit-
ted from food as it gets heated.
The sensor adjusts cooking time according to various
types and amounts of food.Sensor cooking takes the
guesswork out of microwave cooking.
Oven cavity
Metal floor
Glass turntable
• Keep a check on the cooking of food.
• In order to make sure that the food is evenly cooked,
stir,turn, or rearrange the food around halfway during
the cooking time.
• Plastic wrap 1/4 to 1/2 inches ( 6.35 to 12.7 mm),
inorder to vent steam during heating or cooking.