Questions and Answers (continued)
Question Answer
What is wrong when baked foods have a A hard, dry, brown spot indicates overcooking. Shorten the cooking
hard, dry, brown spot? or reheating time.
Why do eggs sometimes pop? When baking, frying, or poaching eggs, the yolk may pop due to
steam build-up inside the yolk membrane. To prevent this,
simply pierce the yolk with a wooden toothpick before cooking.
CAUTION: Never microwave eggs in the shell.
Why are scrambled eggs sometimes a
little dry after cooking?
Eggs will dry out when they are overcooked, even if the same
recipe is used each time. The cooking time may need to be varied
for one of these reasons:
• Eggs vary in size.
• Eggs are at room temperature one time and at refrigerator
temperature another time.
• Eggs continue cooking dudng standing time.
Why do baked apples sometimes burst The peel has not been removed from the top half of each apple to
during cooking? allow for expansion of the interior of the apple during cooking. As in
conventional cooking methods, the intedor of the apple expands
dudng the cooking process.
Wi_y do baked potatoes sometimes If the cooking time is too long, fire could result. At the end of the
burn during cooking? recommended cooking time, potatoes should be slightly firm.
CAU'rlON: Do not overcook,
Why is a standing time recommended Standing time allows foods to continue cooking evenly for a few
after microwave cooking time is over? minutes al_er the actual microwave oven cooking cycle. The
arr_ount of standing time depends upon the density of the foods.