Questions and Answers
Can Ioperate my microwave oven without the glass No, If you remove or move the glass tray, youwill get
tray or move theglass tray over to hold a large dish? poor cooking results, Dishes used in your oven must
fit on the glass tray,
Can I useeither metal or aluminum pans in my
microwave oven?
You can not use metal pans, You can usealuminum
foil forshielding (use small,flat pieces),small
skewers, and shallow foiltrays (iftray is nottaller
than 3/4in. [1,9 cm] deep and isfilled with food to
absorb microwave energy), Never allow metal to
touch walls or door,
Sometimes the door of my microwave oven appears This appearance is normaland does notaffect the
wavy, Is this normal? operation of your oven.
Why does the dish become hotwhen Imicrowave As the food becomes hot itwill conduct the heatto
food in it? I thought that this should nothappen, the dish. Be prepared to use hot padsto remove
food after cooking,
What does "standing time" mean? Standing time means that food should be allowed to
stand eitherin or outof oven after cooking power
stops, Standingtime allows heat tospread evenly
throughout the food, improving cooking results,
Why does steam come outof the air exhaust vent? Steam is normally produced during cooking,The
microwave oven has been designed tovent this
steam out the vents,
Can I pop popcorn in my microwave oven? Yes, butonly pop pre-packaged microwave popcorn,
and only usethe Popcorncommand pad, Donot pop
popcorn in anyother form or by any other method,"