1. STOP! Read the safety information on page 20
2. Set the thermostat to lowest setting.
3. Turn off all electric power to the appliance.
4. Remove lower front panel.
5. Rotate gas control knob slightly and turn clockwise
to "OFE"
6. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas. Then smell
for gas, including near the floor. If you smell gas, STOP!
Follow "B" in the safety information on page 20. If you
don't smell gas, go to next step.
7. Find pilot - follow metal tube from gas control. The pilot
is between two burner tubes as shown in Fig. 14.
8. Turn knob on gas control counterclockwise l_ to
9 Rotate the gas control knob counterclockwise i_ to
"PILOT" Push down and hold the red reset button while
you light pilot burner with a match
After about one minute, release reset button Pilot should
remain lit. If it goes out, turn gas control knob clockwise
to OFE To relight, repeat steps 5-9.
• If button does not pop up when released, stop and
immediately call your service technician orgas supplier.
• If the pilot will not stay lit after several tries, turn the
gas control knob to "OFF" and call your service
technician or gas supplier.
10. After pilot remains lit when red reset button is released,
turn gas control knob counterclockwise _ to "ON."
t 1. Replace lower front panel.
12. Turn on all electric power to the appliance.
13. Set thermostat to desired setting.
t. Set the thermostat to lowest setting
2. Turn off all electric power to the appliance if service _s
to be performed.
3. Push in gas control knob slightly and turn clockwise
_1 to "OFE" Do not force.
The Automatic Gas Valve opens or closes according to the
heat requirements of the thermostat and temperature limit
control. It closes if the pilot goes out. Each individual control
must be operating correctly before any gas can pass to the
burners. Any one control can hotd the gas supply from burner
regardless of the demand of any other control.
Safety Pilot prevents the flow of gas to burner if the pilot
goes out, or will not ignite.
1. For boilers equipped with continuous pilot, with main
burners firing, disconnect the thermocouple from the gas
valve. The gas valve should immediately shut off the main
burners and the pilot
2 For boilers equipped with intermittent ignition, with main
burners firing, disconnect the ignition cable from the
intermittent pilot control box. The gas valve should shut
off the main burners. TURN OFF ELECTRIC POWER to
boiler before reconnecting ignition cable, to prevent
electric shock.
The electric and gas shall be off for 5 minutes before relighting
Keep it set at a desired room temperature If windows are
to be opened or heat is not needed, move thermostat pointer
to a lower setting.
In the event of failure of any component, the system
will not operate or will go into safety lockout. The system
is completely self-checking On every cal! for heat, each
component must be functioning properly to permit
operation On safety lockout the system has to be reset
by turning the thermostat to the lowest setting lor one
minute, then back to the normal setting
Safe lighting and other performance criteria were met with
the gas manifold and control assembly provided on the boiler
when the boiler underwent tests specified in ANSI Z21.13
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