Frequency Distribution in the Broadcast and Amateur
The R-5000 receiver covers from 100 kHz to 30 MHz, to
receive international broadcast and communication ser-
As shown in the Frequency Allocation Chart, broadcast
and Amateur radio station frequencies are allocated in
specific bands expressed in megaherts (MHz) or wave-
length in meters (m). Also in the chart, the frequencies of
"other stations" are assigned for fixed station business
use, marine mobile, aviation mobile, land mobile, radio bea-
con stations, etc. The following relationship exists bet-
ween frequency and wave length.
As will be seen from this relationship, the 31 m band and
9 MHz band, for example, are the same shortwave broad-
cast band, covering the range of 9,500 kHz to 9,775 kHz.
Radio stations throughtout the world are listed in the
WORLD RADIO TV HANDBOOK or similar publications.
* (With the Australia version from 2 to 30 MHz; with the
West Germany version, from 150 kHz to 26.2 MHz)